Saturday, August 17, 2013

February 16, 1999

February 16, 1999 was the day my whole life changed. 

I was five years old and I was on vacation in Florida with my whole family. Since I was so young, I do not remember much, but there are some random things that I do remember. 

So the day before I started getting sick, I was on a walk with my sister and my mom and we had passed a BRAND NEW playground that I really wanted to go to, but we did not have time to go that day, so my sister promised me that she would take me tomorrow, so naturally, I got excited. 

However, the next day I started getting really sick. The week prior, I had been going to the bathroom a lot and drinking a lot of water and I had been losing some weight but we did not think much of it. But then when the next day came around, I was getting so sick and thinking that it was just the flu and that I needed more electrolytes, I kept drinking gatorade. This clearly was not the greatest idea since all it was doing was raising my blood sugar even higher than it already was. 

We had to cut our vacation short, and on the plane back home, I was still getting sick (worst plane ride of my life). Then when we landed in Cincinnati, we went straight to the hospital and I stayed there for three days. 

After realizing that I wasn't going to die, it was just a matter of fact of learning everything that goes with being a diabetic. It was all a bit overwhelming for me, seeing as I was only five years old but I guess I've sorted of learned to deal with it (kind of).

All in all, I just wanted to share my story of the day that changed my life forever. I know it's not too exciting but I just wanted to share it:) 

Share your story in the comments section!!! :)

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