Thursday, August 8, 2013

Glucose Tablets

On the rare occasion that I have a low blood sugar, I am usually in range of a kitchen where I can grab a juice and go on with whatever I am doing at the moment.

However, there comes a time where I am in my car and I feel a sudden drop in my blood sugar. Usually, I will store a Capri Sun in the middle console and drink that to get my blood sugar up. But what about the next time I have a low blood sugar and I forget to add a Capri Sun to the middle console?

Well, whenever I take a trip to Target, I make sure to browse the specific health aisle that is specifically for diabetics. While they have the "diabetic socks" that keep your feet nice and moisturized (they really do work! ...they work so well that my mom has "borrowed" every pair I have ever bought myself) and extra test kits and so forth, they also carry glucose tablets. While almost every diabetic is already familiar with these, there are usually familiar with the small vials that have six to eight tablets in a pack. However, I found an entire bottle of tablets that fit perfectly in my cup holder right in my driver side door where I can reach for easy access whenever I feel a low blood sugar coming on! Also, this hides them from my non-diabetic friends who just enjoy eating ALL of my sugar tablets....

These tablets are perfect to keep in your car's cup holder because unlike juice and Capri Sun, which is pretty disgusting after sitting in a hot car all day, these glucose tablets taste the same no matter what temperature! 

**Long story short, keeping glucose tablets in your cup holder of your car is a good idea**

If anyone has any requests on what they want me to write about, leave a comment below and I will be sure to get to it! Feedback is also appreciated :)

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